Monday, March 23, 2009

Letters from R' Noson

To my friend, Reb Shimshon,

… To respond to you with words of truth as you wish, many pages would not suffice. I would have to copy for you all of the Rebbe’s works. In them is already explained whatever is needed for every individual according to his level, wherever his place, at every time. There is what’s needed when he’s sitting at home and when travelling on the road. There is nothing which may be hidden from you which you won’t find in his holy and awesome books, if you will study them sincerely.
Be strong, my brother and friend, and remember your Creator at all times, even when engaged in business, and of course in your spare time. For G-d’s sake, grab an hour a day to converse with Him, as the Rebbe commanded us to countless times.
Encourage yourself with new strength every day, and don’t let anything in the world upset you. Whatever happens to you, whether in material matters or in spiritual matters or financial, however it may be, don’t give up!
There are always sincere words which you can find to say to G-d every day, whatever is going on in your life, whether in good times or bad times. There are no excuses, because “Hashem’s Truth is forever.” That means that His Truth is always there, and nothing that happens to a person, no matter what, can ever conceal that Truth. For Truth is the light of Hashem Himself, and these words of Truth can shine in every type of darkness in the world, and with it you can always find passageways through which to leave the darkness, as is explained in Likutei Moharan 9 and 112.
Accustom yourself to carry out this lesson always, to always pursue only the truth, and always look for the truth, the genuine truth. See to speak before G-d with a sincerity and truth. Then Hashem will shine to you His light in any place that you might be, at any time, and you’ll see the way out of your darkness to a great light.
You will be able to always remember G-d, for He is always found, in every place, and by every person, whatever level he’s on…

Nosson from Breslov

Based on Alim L’Terufah 17

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