Tuesday, February 10, 2009

We all know that every Yom Tov that comes around we have many lessons to learn from them and to try to come closer to hashem and try to help others come closer to hashem as well. now that Tu Bishvat is behind us what and how can we come closer to hashem. The Mishna in Rosh Hashana tells us that Tu Bishvat is the Rosh Hashana for the trees, if we would take a look at the trees at this time of year they look very far from some thing like Rosh Hashana, they are as dead as can be, but we know that in the roots of the tree is where it all starts from and on Tu Bishvat is when it starts and that why we make a hole Yom Tov out of Tu Bishvat. Many time we look at people and we judge them the way they look from out side. and that is one of the lessons we can take from Tu Bishvat, we make a hole Yom Tov from a dead tree because we know that in the ground by the roots its stating its work to give out the beautiful summer fruits, so too every nishama comes from the highest places and we should never look at the out side, only on the inside because that the place that the beautiful fruits come from and if we will judge people like this the the problem of loshon hora will fall away in most cases and then hashem will judge us the same way and we will be zocheh to all the broches that we could possibly think of.

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